PMK Ministry Reaches 950 thousand Marginal Communities

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Ir Magdalena MM, Jambi- A total of 950 thousand marginal communities in Indonesia have benefited from Program Peduli. The programme, in its second phase in the years 2015 to 2016, is implemented by the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Cultural Affairs (Kemenko PMK). There are approximately 4,5 million Indonesians currently living in marginalized conditions.

Deputy Assistant Community Development, Kemenko PMK, Ir Magdalena MM, highlighted during his opening speech at the ‘Mendorong Sinergi Lintas Wilayah untuk Pemberdayaan komunitas Suku Anak Dalam’ (Encourage Cross – Regional Synergies for Community Empowerment Suku Anak Dalam (SAD) in Central Sumatra, Jambi, Thursday (27/10).

“Due to the problem of social exclusion in Indonesia, it is not enough just to provide the means and infrastructure alone. We should also strengthen social capacity and improve their access to services provided by the government,” said Magdalena.

Through the Peduli Program, he added, the PMK Ministry ensured that inclusive development in Indonesia can be accomplished; by local governments and Civil Society Organizations (CSO).

Kemenko PMK in cooperation with The Asia Foundation (TAF) and six umbrella partners, is implementing the programme in 121 districts in 13 provinces in Indonesia. The ministry is also in cooperation with Partnership for Governance Reform or Kemitraan to assist indigenous peoples who depend on natural resources.

Program Peduli senior advisor of TAF, Dr. Ir. Sujana Royat, DEA highlighted the cooperation between TAF and Partnership with SSS Pundi Sumatera on SAD empowerment in four districts from two provinces in Sumatra. These districts are Bungo, Sarolangun, Merangin and Dhamasraya.

Sujana said that Program Peduli, was formerly known as Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (PNPM) Peduli. He added that in the beginning, the program was designed to reach marginalized communities that did not have access to government programs such as PNPM Mandiri Pedesaan.

“Even now there are still officials in Indonesia that do not provide basic services; even refuse to provide National Identity Card (KTP) to citizens because of differences in ethnic race and religion,” said the former Deputy for Poverty Reduction, Ministry of Welfare.

Program Peduli, added Sujana, aids marginalized societies in receiving equal treatment and opportunities; regardless of their differences, as citizens. The programme, part of the government’s effort, is to present the state to those who are most in need such as the SAD in Sumatra.

The workshop, followed by Peduli Night  was initiated by SSS Pundi Sumatera with Partnership and the Jambi provincial government. At the event, four district governments highlighted the progress of their SAD empowerment programme to the Deputy Assistant Community Development, Kemenko PMK and Director of Remote Indigenous Community Empowerment (KAT), Ministry of Social Affairs.

Those present included officials from ministries and local governments, bank representative in Jambi, Sahabat Pendukung SAD (Sudung) activists, academics, SAD community and journalists.

Featured at the event were an art display by the SAD community, theater performance by Jambi’s local theatre group and launching of a SAD novel by West Kalimantan novelist, Paul Tao Widodo.


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