teraju.id, KEP – The availability of teaching tools is everything. Every class in any school has experienced the same frustration of teaching without chalks, boardmarkers, erasers and stuffs. It also happens to us in Kampoeng English Poernama.
The other schools might have an economical issue buying what is needed. Not for us, even though we know we would possibly have the same problem in the future if the fundraising program stops. At least for now we have enough resources to manage well.
Our basecamp is an office where stationery or office materials are plentiful, but sometimes they are not easy to find.
Clearly, the unavailability isn’t because we have none. Our disorganized attitude makes us keep losing things.
Just recently, we established a new division of Facility Management to keep things organized and simulatenously activate the fundraising and business operation to keep the supply of teaching tools and appliances. The later improvement will automatically boost the teaching quality of Social Sunday.
Wish us for the best!
Have you experienced the same thing? How did you manage the situation? Leave a comment down below to share.(Christina Sallem)