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By : Rike RahayuTranslator : Jeammy Rodjas Armed with "compatibility" with the first Minato Kanae book I read (Confessions), without doubt I bought Penance. The story is about the murder

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Nizam Ditemukan dalam Kondisi Tak Bernyawa

teraju.id, Purnama - Nizam, siswa kelas 1 SDN Parit Demang, Kota Pontianak yang dinyatakan hilang

Dinas Perkebunan dan Peternakan Provinsi Kalimantan Barat, Perkenalkan SeedSNet: Pengawasan Peredaran Benih Perkebunan Berbasis Sosial Networking (Whatsapp)

teraju.id, Pontianak - Dalam rangka implementasi aksi perubahan Peningkatan Mutu Pengawasan Dan Peredaran Benih Perkebunan

Faisal Basri Berpulang

teraju.id, Jakarta--- Dunia intelektual Indonesia berduka. Ekonom senior dan dosen Universitas Indonesia, Faisal Basri, telah

Berjuang Melawan Ketakutan-Kekhawatiran

Dear Setyawati, anakku. Maaf ya, Nak. Lebih dari tiga bulan bapak baru sempat berkirim surat

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Forestry Synergy Coordination Meeting 2021

Teraju News Network - Coordination Meetings by the Department of Environment and Forestry continue to provide space for Forest Management

Synergy And Coordination Of The Environment and Forestry Service In West Kalimantan

Synergy and coordination are important to optimize the implementation of forestry development in West Kalimantan province. With this understanding, the

The Technical Implementation Unit For Forest Management Unit In East Sintang Region Towards The Independent Village Index

teraju.id, Sintang - The East Sintang Forest Management Unit continues to improve to make the forest a source of water

Synergy of Activities at the Kapuas Watershed and Protected Forest Management Center (BPDASHL Kapuas)

teraju.id, The real action of the activities of the East Sintang Forest Management Unit is still carried out by synergizing

Real Action

teraju.id--- The climate has changed. The impacts of climate change in Indonesia have spread widely and become more evident from

The Voice of Farmers, The Voice of The People

teraju.id, English--- The gaze must still be forward because the rearview mirror is only used occasionally to look behind. Christian

Just Plant It

"Just plant it" said Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Gusti Hardiansyah, MSc. QAM."If we don't start planting trees now, when will

Let It Burn

The smoke was looming high. The sun was scorchingly hot. Even the heat was perceived from the neck to the