teraju.id, Sintang – The East Sintang Forest Management Unit continues to improve to make the forest a source of water absorption wells.
Watersheds are important things that must exist in every region. This will not only be related to waterflood events but also closely related to the presence of water reserves on Earth. A watersheds is an area where rainwater can enter the soil layer so that it does not flow directly into the river.
Usually, the watersheds has many trees because tree roots are very good water locks. Watersheds will be able to prevent flooding, landslides and also be able to store water in the ground and lock it up for future use. This water infiltration proves that water is the source of life. It is important to maintain the balance of the ecosystem.
The balance of the ecosystem as an inseparable unit with the forest where the management is in the form of sustainable or sustainable land-based enterprises.
This sustainability was given by the Kapuas Watershed and Protected Forest Management Center to the East Sintang Forest Management Unit by returning to carry out Agroforestry activities covering an area of 625 hectares in 2020-2023.
In addition, the West Kalimantan Environment and Forestry Service, through its existing activities in the Technical Implementation Unit for Forest Management Units throughout West Kalimantan, the Technical Implementation Unit for the Forest Management Unit for the East Sintang Region carries out the Vision and Mission of the Governor and Deputy Governor of West Kalimantan in order to improve the status of the Village. towards the Village with the Independent Village index.
There are 5 village statuses (very underdeveloped village, underdeveloped village, developing village, developed village and independent village). especially Villages that are in the Forest Zone and Villages in the vicinity of the forest area with the hope that through programs/activities in the Forest Management Unit either through the Regional Expenditure Budget or the State Expenditure Budget. Niko Dimus, S.Hut. M.Si. provides the examples of use and submission of budgets sourced from the Natural Resources Revenue Sharing Fund to support the operational activities of the Forest Management Unit, socialization of forest and land fire prevention activities (Governor’s regulations No.103 of 2020 concerning the opening of agricultural land areas based on local wisdom on July 16 2020), Forest and land fires patrol safeguards in forest areas and activities
Land and Forest Rehabilitation, one of which also supports the Environmental Resilience Index, which is one of the independent village index indicators.
Niko Dimus, S.Hut. M.Si. also said that: Community empowerment through forest farmer groups and women forest farmer groups, implementing social forestry schemes, both customary forest schemes, village forests, community forests, Community Forests and Forestry Partnerships. Through this social forestry scheme, hoped that social forestry business groups can manage forests, especially the potential of non-timber forest products to improve their welfare through various capacity building, skills that are assisted by extension agents in the East Sintang Forest Management Unit and Forest Management Units partner NGOs and operational cooperation agencies
What is done by the Environment and Forestry Service and its frontline Forest Management Units in West Kalimantan, is energized in a sustainable manner with the activities of the Regional Budget and the State Budget and Funds from Donor Partners from Abroad.
All of that so that natural preservation is maintained optimally and fairly for the welfare of the community in order to increase the status of the Village towards a Village with the Independent Village index.