Forestry Synergy Coordination Meeting 2021

6 Min Read
Head of the Bengkayang Forest Management Unit and the Head of the Sambas Forest Pemangkuan Unit during a coordination meeting at the Orchard Hotel Jl. Gajahamada

Teraju News Network – Coordination Meetings by the Department of Environment and Forestry continue to provide space for Forest Management Units and stakeholders to share information and coordinate so that the Forestry Sector Development Synergy can grow and develop for the benefit of the community.

Bengkayang Forest Management Unit Head Henry Octavius K. S.Hut., MM is a Production Forest Management Unit (Unit II) with an area of 145,558 hectares according to the Decree of the Minister of Forestry Number K.144 / MENLHK / SETJEN / PLA.0 / 2/2019 dated February 13, 2019. As a site-level manager in accordance with the authority of Law 23/2014 on Regional Government, Annex BB regarding the Division of Government Affairs in the Forestry Sector, the Bengkayang Area Forest Management Unit Technical Implementation Unit is an existing institution located in Bengkayang Regency, West Kalimantan Province.

Bengkayang Forest Area Forest Pruning Unit Head Henry Said: “With an area of 145 thousand hectares, we must keep the forest sustainable. Where many budgets were cut due to Covid-19. But for those of us who are used to being involved in the field at the field or site level, it doesn’t matter, how to manage a small budget but it can have great benefits and benefits in the field.

“The Bengkayang Forest Management Unit directly borders Malaysia. There are two areas directly adjacent to the neighbouring country, namely, Jagoi Babang and Siding sub-districts, with a 76.5 km2 border. As long as that is the case, we must be able to utilize the budget so that the main tasks and functions at the site level can run well. “

“Sometimes the Head of the Environment and Forestry Office of West Kalimantan (Ir. Adi Yani, MH.) Needs to do activities in the field. Because it has become a necessity. “

“He is the head of the department, pats me on the shoulder, saying patience, patience is loved by God. While he smiled, I replied with a smile with a sincere nod. That means the field still has to be completed. ” This was conveyed by the Head of the Bengkayang Forest Management Unit.

The long stretch and large area in the Bengkayang Forest Management Unit technical implementation unit and the general public understanding even in some Bengkayang Regency Regional Apparatus Organizations who argue that everything related to forest and forestry in Bengkayang Regency is the technical implementation unit of the Bengkayang Forest Management Unit. is the one who takes care of it.

Even though not all matters related to forests and forestry are under the authority of the technical implementing unit of the Forest Management Unit, for example, the Nature Reserve which, although the area is located in Bengkayang Regency, has the authority of the central government through the Ministry of Environment and Forestry which in West Kalimantan Province is under the unit. the technical implementer of the West Kalimantan Natural Resources Conservation Center in Pontianak City.

The existence of forest areas will be preserved if the forests provide benefits that can be felt directly or indirectly for the people in and around the forest, especially in improving their quality of life. Forestry development that can provide such benefits will be successful if there is a good synergy from the central government through the Ministry of Environment and Forestry and its technical implementing units, the provincial government through the Environment and Forestry Service and the technical implementing unit of the Forest Management Unit, district governments, NGOs and communities in and around the forest.

Synergy will be successful if there is trust, effective communication, fast feedback and creativity. The coordination meeting for the synergy of development in the forestry sector is the starting point in formulating plans and future forestry development activities in accordance with their respective duties and authorities.

The implementation of this synergy activity should be carried out one year before (y-1) the implementation of the activity or even before the preparation of the activity plan and the financing of each party. This is intended so that the synergy of the parties in forestry development does not occur overlapping activities and financing or activities that are not carried out.

The head of the Bengkayang Forest Management Unit Hendry said that the word synergy is not just words but is a right thing and a joint step in accordance with the duties and authorities of each party in forestry development which makes forests benefit the community in and around the forest.


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