teraju.id, The real action of the activities of the East Sintang Forest Management Unit is still carried out by synergizing various programs, both from the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) and the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN) activities.
Even though they don’t have donor partners from abroad, such as the Asian Development Bank program with the fip-1 program or the result-based payment scheme from the REDD program (http://kph.menlhk.go.id/sinpasdok/pages/detail/14).
The East Sintang Forest Management Unit continues to make approaches to communities around the forest. Various programs are still being carried out wholeheartedly.
In 2019, the Minister of Environment and Forestry, through the Kapuas Watershed-Forest Management Center, conducted a Vegetative Rehabilitation of Critical Protected Forest 2019 planting activities in Kayan District covering an area of 1,000 hectares. The location is in the Bukit Paturan and Tool hill covering an area of 300 hectares. 700 hectares in the area of the Bukit Meraung Protected Forest.
Meanwhile, for the location of Kayan Hulu District, covering an area of 800 hectares, planting activities for the rehabilitation of critical protected forests were carried out in the Bukit Pantura and Bukit Alat Protected Forest Areas.
The Vegetative Rehabilitation of Critical Protected Forest Planting Activities in 2019 in a Vegetative Way is still ongoing until 2021 this year.
The impact of this activity was that the community was directly involved, from the preparation of planting seeds to maintenance. All are involved either directly or indirectly. This is an empowerment activity involving the community in the Protected Forest Area of the Kayan upstream and Kayan Hilir Districts, covering an area of 1,800 hectares.
Meanwhile, the area of the East Sintang forest area of 2,500 hectares was planted with the Vegetative Rehabilitation of Critical Protected Forest 2019 in Serawai District in the Alat-Sungai Demu Protected Forest Area.
The belief of the Kapuas Watershed and Protected Forest Management Office is still maintained by the East Sintang Forest Management Unit as a form of full responsibility to synergize activities in the field. Moreover, the East Sintang Forest Management Unit received a lot of trust covering an area of 4,300 hectares.
Departing from the Forest Management Unit Concept, it is hoped that it will become the basis for the implementation of a sustainable and just forest management system.
The East Sintang Forest Management Unit always coordinates to synergize the development of the forestry sector. Neither with Forest Management Units in West Kalimantan and the Environment and Forestry Service of West Kalimantan as well as to the Kapuas Watershed and Protected Forest Management Center, both officially and unofficially. Currently, the East Sintang Forest Management Unit is always all out to help activities carried out by the Kapuas Watershed and Protected Forest Management Center for planting the Vegetative Rehabilitation of Critical Protected Forest 2019-2021. Because this is a huge responsibility to synergize activities in the East Sintang Forest Management Unit Area.
If there is a lack of understanding by the community about the Protected Forest Rehabilitation activities, the East Sintang Forest Management Unit always accompanies the executor to work together to provide an understanding that this activity is not taking over or taking over land that has been passed down from generation to generation to become their activities and habits. But with this activity the function of the forest becomes sustainable.
This Rehabilitation activity means that the activities carried out by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry through the Kapuas Watershed and Protected Forest Management Center are adding plants by rehabilitating the forest so that the forest is preserved and sustainable.