Why i write

2 Min Read

By: Rahayu

I am writing for calming my soul.
I was born in perfect family. With mom, dad, and my big sister who love me so much. But then they got divorced. No. They ‘re not wrong. I’m sure they had no plans to get married then get disvorced. I’m sure divorce also hurted them so much. I cannot get angry to my parents who take care me. Writing is my way of calming my fragile soul due to everything that happens in my life. Writing is the most powerful solution when I want to scream but do not want anyone to hear.

I am writing for expressing myself.
By writing, I can let go all of my feelings, my brain, my anger, sadness, or happiness.

I am writing to inspire others.
For me, writing is not just for inner satisfaction. But I want people to feel the same way with me, to show them that they’re not alone and to tell tehem that there’s someone in somewhere who also feels the same way. By writing I feel to be able to embrace those who need a hug. By writing I can tell them that life should keep going as it should be. By writing I can give a new spirit to others who need it.
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