Teraju,Id, Kampoeng English Poernama
Coming back home from the Uncle Sam (New York, USA) a student of SMAN 3 (State Senior High School 3), Yenni Qatrunnada Salsabila will invite 10 US students to Pontianak City. This is related to the program of Youth Exchange and Study (YES) that she received from Bina Antarbudaya — a scholarship foundation centered in Jakarta – in the years 2015-2016. Yenni is the third awardee of Pontianak granted the YES Scholarship to study in the US. Beforehand, there were two students from SMA Kristen Immanuel (Immanuel Christian Senior High School) who studied in the US too: Vania and Verencya. Currently, they are pursuing higher study outside the province. Vania is in Selangor, Malaysia, and Verencya is in Institut Teknologi Bandung (Bandung Instute of Technology).
In the ordinance of Bina Antarbudaya, every awardee is obliged to create the education-related projects as they return. Accordingly, Yenni establishes a program called “Mendukung Pendidikan” (Promoting Education) by presenting “Be an American High School Student in One Day”. So she invites US students who are staying in Jakarta doing such a scholarship program, namely AFS (American Field Study).
The event will be carried out on November 20, 2016, where the ten foreign guests — who are no strangers for AFS/YES — will practice teaching. The participants are 30 students from throughout the city of Pontianak. This is to introduce and create experiences for the students on how to study like Americans in a day. It will take place in SMAN 3.
For the success of the event, a meeting was held in the basecamp of Kampoeng English Poernama on Thursday (1/9/16), attended by the committee of Bina Antarbudaya Chapter Pontianak and Kampoeng English Poernama.
In addition to the educational goal, this is to socialize the program of the Pontianak City Government: Smart City. (nuris)
Translator: Christina Sallem