Hosting Student, Akane Kazaoka Visited West Kalimantan Museum

1 Min Read, Pontianak – One of AFS Intercultural Learning Student, Akane Kazaoka (Japan) visited West Kalimantan Museum on Saturday (7/3) in the morning.

The visit was in order to get to know the culture in West Kalimantan, such as Dayak culture, Chinese culture, and Malay culture that can be witnessed in the museum.

“I see samurai, musical instruments, worship tools, and fabric in the museum and they’re very interesting. Knowing the history of culture in West Kalimantan in particular makes new knowledge about the exchange of its own culture.” said Akane.

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Akane’s CP (Jeammy Rodjas) also explained that the visit of this city in order to introduce the city and broaden the horizons of Pontianak, “for next, we will also visit the equator monument and the palace in Pontianak. And visits outside Pontianak are also being prepared in the near future” he explained .

The student exchange program she participated in was also in the context of intercultural learning, so she naturally had a lot of knowledge about culture.
(picture by Jeammy Rodjas)


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Rike Rahayu is a volunteer, a student, and a writer. A Volunteer of AFS Indonesia, Bina Antarbudaya chapter Pontianak, and Kampoeng English Poernama. She was studying at Trilogi University in Jakarta and currently at Pontianak State Polytechnic. She was writing 3 books, and shortlisted for Journalism Fellowship to Malaysia and Singapore in 2018. She has contributed to KEP's Literature Project. She lives in Pontianak.