Teraju, Pontianak— Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Terorisme (BNPT) forwarded approach humanity in resolve terrorism activity. Deradicalised effort was effective through film. Especially short film. Thus because the message is very easily absorbed by the wider community because all the sense involved reading, not just eyes, but ears too, include feeling.
“We will go to Pontianak City to assess the short film script were was uploaded to youtube portal. In West Kalimantan there is dozen short film were was uploaded and watched by a hundred and a thousand viewers in worldwide,” said Baharudin from Deputy Deradicalization BNPT to online media Teraju.id, Tuesday 16/18/16 morning. The whole short film will be assessed in the event competition province level and will be privy on the national level in October forthcoming. The final participant will be invited to a presentation in Jakarta, all cost we bear,” He said.
The short film made by BNPT cooperate with Forum Koordinasi Pencegahan Terorisme (FKPT) West Kalimantan themed KITA BOLEH BEDA, in English means We May Be Different. From West Kalimantan, there is dozen short film was an entry to the FKPT table.
“Tomorrow Thursday at 18/8/16 rated jury also worked for Eagle Award assessment. Later on 19/8/16 dozen short film made by High School students on an equal from West Kalimantan assessed seriously will publish who will be a champion. That announcement combined with dialog event where held in function hall 2 Kapuas Palace,” said Activities Coordinator FKPT West Kalimantan Youth and Women’s Empowerment, Martinus Sudarno, SH.
He said, for the participant who submitted the film on behalf of personal or school, please re-register for the committee FKPT West Borneo via HP/WA 08125710225, or email [email protected].
Activities 19/8/16 open to the High School students and equal, or college student total seats 125. “If you are interested in attending this event can take invitation on 17/8/16 in Pusdiklat Top Indonesia/Bina Antarbudaya Chapter Pontianak/Kampoeng English Poernama/Law Office Dwi Syafriyanti/Sultan Hamid Foundation.
“Let’s join with us. And PEACE,” said legislator West Kalimantan from PDIP fraction in while smile.