…thanks to our many supporters, subscribers and activists who have helped us make it this far (FAIR’s, an istitution for fair reporting built in USA). Since the fall of 1986, FAIR’s has been monitoring corporate media to document bias, government influence and skewed reporting, while championing the efforts of independent journalism.
Weve been able to expand awareness that questioning the once-hallowed fourth estate is an important part of an informed and active democracy. That people can have an impact on that institution by joining forces and pushing back when content is overshadowed by partisan and corporate influence.
The Best Democracy Money Can Buy: A Tale of Billionaires & Ballot Bandits, by journalist Greg Palast, illustrated by Ted Rall: This book reports on a Republican-orchestrated voter-purge effort that disproportionately threatens young voters of color, manipulating what could be a close presidential election with an absurd contention of voter fraud. Its the kind of investigation-driven journalism too often lacking in corporate media coverage that fails to distinguish between voter suppression, which has a real impact on electoral outcomes, and the partisan mirage of widespread voter fraud.
“We offer this book as a thank-you gift, for donations of $30 or more, in an effort to enlighten the debate. Or consider making a special donation for FAIRs 30th anniversary. Your past contributions have allowed us to reach this milestone. Your support is vital to keep us going,” said Janine, Jim & Deborah from FAIR’s. (Nuris)