teraju.id, Purnama Valley – Sunday (7/5). An activity has recently been conducted in Kampoeng English Poernama. The English learning center, located on Purnama Street, Pondok Agung Permata Housing Complex, No. Y37-40 seems to never stop doing activities.
Social Sunday is a routine English learning activity carried out by Kampoeng English Poernama, aiming to educate the children from around Pontianak City through games with English content.
Unlike the other Sundays, this Sunday (7/5) at 03:14 pm sharp, Social Sunday activity was begun, which was also a moment of socialization, graduation, and volunteers appreciation towards the February-May service period. The children, learning participants, who were regarded as “Graders” were assembled and engaged in the games prepared by Kampoeng English Poernama’s volunteers. In the meantime, parents were participating in the Socialization Agenda led by Meiry Dintia as the Volunteers Development Leader and Nur Iskandar in the Governing Board.
The first game was started. It is the Ribbon Relay Race. Children were divided into 3 groups of 7. Each group was challenged to carry and pass the ribbon to the next racer through spaghetti sticks until it touches the finish line. During the game, the children seemed to work together to be able to bring the ribbon to the finish line. Funny expressions were seen on the faces of the children who were serious in doing the game.
The second game is guessing the animal. Once in a time, a child was chosen to mimic the sound of animals and the other friends guessed what it is in English. Again, funny expressions were painted on the smiles of the children when guessing the name of the animal.
“Chikon chikon”, said alif trying to guess the sound of the chicken being exhibited.
The last game is Scrambled Word. Children were shown an object and asked to arrange the letters provided to form the name of the object correctly. Here was a communication among them took place. They learned to give opinion quickly in the process of guessing the name of the object.
“Finish finish” shouted each group once they solved the scrambled word.
Smiles and laughters seemed like a beautiful scenery and music in the afternoon. No exception from a boy named alif, who had been showing active participation in the game from the very beginning.
“What do you feel about today’s activities?” Asked kak Mariyan
“I feel so happy to sing and play” said Alif, answering the question.
Then alif gave him a high-five while smiling honestly, reflected from his innocent face.
The pleasant Edutainment session was closed with the distribution of gifts of candies to each group. Like the kids in general, they were buzzing for candy as soon as possible. To add to the fanfare that occured, they sang along ‘One Finger’ song.
The lesson learned from the games is that teamwork and effective communication are important to solve challenges.
The sequence of activities, then, was ended with evaluation and appreciation to the volunteers for completing a contribution period. It was led by Buniarti, the event director. She wished for the certificate that they have been earned to be useful for applying for scholarship once it is required.(Mariyan|Christina)