The Arts of Public Speaking

2 Min Read

IYAA’s Binabud – Kampoeng English Poernama – Hello Everyone!

As we all know, humans are born as social creatures, constantly seeking to communicate with each other. However, that does not ensure that we are all able to communicate effectively, or able to engage well with bigger audiences. Effective communication and public speaking are essential skills in today’s world that need proper knowledge and practice to master.

Addressing that need, we are excited to announce IYAA’s fourth online workshop, “The Arts of Public Speaking”!

In this workshop, you will learn the ways to speak better in public and engage your audiences better!

The online workshop will be held on July 23, 2020, at 18.00 WIB (90-120 minutes) with kak Bryan Gunawan, communication & leadership coach, and HR Practioner with over 10 years of experience in this field. Kak Bryan has coached many important figures in the art of public speaking, including Basuki Tjahaja Purnama! He has also attended the Jakarta Roundtable Meeting & Obama Foundation Summit in 2017, meeting with President Barack Obama himself! Truly a rare chance to learn from him, right?

If you are interested in joining this workshop, you can register through this link:

This workshop is open for the public without cost aka free! We only have 30 seats available, so make sure to save your spot quickly!

For further information, please contact us through DM!






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- Redaksi | 0812 5710 225
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