Oleh : Rike Rahayu
Penerjemah : Jeammy Rodjas
Big Magic tastes like a mixture of spirituality books and creativity books. Previously, I have never read a book as powerful as this. Click directly since the 9th page.
Elizabeth Gilbert, better known from her best-selling book, Eat Pray Love (which I haven’t read yet), but this Big Magic book is often seen in several “life-changing books” recommendations until finally my curiosity gets higher. ”
Obviously I just finished it, but I can say this: This is the first time that I feel like a book was talking directly to me. What was written by Elizabeth Gilbert skinned what was feared, feared, questioned, and she gave advice based on her experience. What he said was sweet, firm, spicy, and quite slapping. I am amazed, relieved, excited, and a lil bit afraid at the same time.
Elizabeth Gilbert believes that everyone is a creative person. He also believes that our planet is not only inhabited by animals, plants, bacteria, and viruses, but also by ideas. Ideas that have consciousness and will. Ideas that want to get a form in the world, and look for human partners who can make it happen. When meeting open humans, ideas will send signs and inspiration. When long ignored and not also realized, ideas will go looking for other humans who are willing to collaborate with him
This book is divided into six parts. The quote that I like from the first five parts is also in this post, just slide see the next photo, it has been arranged in the order of its parts. Each section consists of short chapters, which are very short too, to the point where you read from the left page, look to the right, and finish another chapter. The format makes reading more fun and not tired. Go straight to the core without wordy.
I sincerely think a copy of this book should be read by everyone who needs a boost. Okay, I rephrase, everyone can at least consider it. There will be a fresh perspective for you.
One final paragraph: Forget about perfect. “Perfectionism stops people from completing their work, yes — but even worse, it often stops people from beginning their work.” Take action. Be in motion. Create that piece of writing, create your dream campaign, create your cover song, shoot your video, draw that painting, code your website, cook that dish, take a picture, bake that cake, decorate your room, make an online event, listen to your curiosity. You do you. Enjoy the game.