Peaceful Synergy From West Kalimantan For Indonesia

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By: Jeammy Rodjas
Translated by: Rike Rahayu, Pontianak – November 16, 2019, located in the Syeikh Abd Rani Mahmud’s Hall IAIN Pontianak, FKUB (Forum Kerukunan Umat Beragama or Forum for Religious Harmony) held a series of activities with the big theme of Peace Synergy from West Kalimantan for Indonesia.

This activity was attended by more than 200 people. In this activity also attended by a number of figures from institutions that also support this activity. As Chairman of the West Kalimantan FKUB Dr. Ismail Ruslan, Head of Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion Drs. H. Irwansyah, IAIN Rector, Tanjung Pura Military Commander XII, West Kalimantan Regional Police Irwasda Andi Musa, West Kalimantan Governor who was represented by West Kalimantan BPSDM Head Drs. Alfian

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The series of activities was opened with a keynote speech by the Head of BNPT or representing as well as the Governor of West Kalimantan or representing. Then proceed with the election of the Peace Ambassador of West Kalimantan in 2019, after that the Launching of the Short Movie “Merajut Damai di Kalbar”, then the MoU for FKUB Scholarship Grants for SAA which was closed with a Performing Arts.

Keynote Speech from the Governor of West Kalimantan, this time represented by the Head of West Kalimantan BPSDM Drs. Alfian he said “We want that West Kalimantan can be an initiation to deliver peace on the Equatorial Earth and also Indonesia”.


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