teraju.id, Parit Buloh – Let’s say thank you to Allah because we can wake up in the morning, when we can get our spirit to keep istiqomah take a prayer in masjid.
This world still have a same case to discuss, coronavirus or covid-19. People often look this case with science, let’s we look at another side with syariah.
This virus try to attack your imune, if someone already got this virus it will be different from flu or headaches, but this virus can make an big impact like died if they can’t survive. It will be good situation for Media or Politics when they can get news from this.
In surah Al baqarah Allah give us direction when we got bad situation for the example illness or coronavirus. People all around the world scary with this situation, in surah al baqarah the first step of test from Allah for human is “Fear”. Then, The first thing that we have to do is stay calm and always think clear. From this situation Allah make a selection from people who can pass this situation.
Now, people in China already choose their food, they are try to learn how muslims live in daily activities. We know, muslims get the education how to live in this world from qur’an, we are muslim know what is the clean food and we know how to healty life start from wake up till sleep.
Stay healty and keep safety. (Muhamad Yodi Kaidavi)