Love To Dress Up Your Pet Dog? Follow This Event!

2 Min Read, Ex Cafe Nineteen (04/09/2016) – A fashion show is commonly known as a showcase of newly designed clothing by models, but what if the fashions are modeled by dogs?

Pontianak Dog Lover established an event called “Dogs Are Family”, in which one of its programs is Dog Fashion at Ex Cafe Nineteen on Sunday, September 4, 2016.

This event was joined by children, teenagers, and adults. It grabbed positive response of the community in which those who enjoy taking care of and dressing up their pet dog could be engaged in the dog fashion show competition. This is also a medium of learning for children where the adults can introduce the pets that they can be “friends” for them.

“Approximately 28 dogs participated in this Dog Fashion event,from,” Adrian said as Coordinator of Dogs Are Family event.

The fashion show starts with the super small dogs to the large ones. Revel was manifest on the face of the dog lovers when they watched their pets playing and having fun with each other. This event could also be a platform to bring together the owners and dog lovers who love telling stories and sharing unique tips in treating their pets. Do you love dogs? (Difa)

Translator: C.Sallem


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