Indonesian Institute of Film Censorship Embrace West Kalimantan

2 Min Read, Mercure – Film is the most consumed entertainment in every strata of the society. Recently,  many young people express themselves by producing short films, including comedy, action, documentaries and many more. Lembaga Sensor Film (LSF) Indonesia or Indonesian Institute of Film Censorship and the Government of West Kalimantan Province organized a social event of the representation establishment of Film Censorship Institute in the capital of West Kalimantan entitled Self-Censorship Community:  The Entity of National Identity.

Film is the art and culture which is enthused by all the social groups, including children and adults. A film does not necessarily contain educational elements, therefore Film Censorship Institute is needed to censor, cut, and filter in order the films to be worth watching as contained in Law No. 33 Year 2009 Article 57-58, on Film and Film Censorship Regulations of the Republic of Indonesia Number 2 Year 2016 concerning the Representative of LSF in the capital, Article 1 -17.

Each region has its indigenous culture and different rules, as in Papua, there are people who use Koteka. In terms of culture of the region itself, Koteka is considered as a proper way of dressing. However, if we find the similar thing in different places like in Aceh, It will be considered as unnatural and unacceptable to the people of the region.

“The regulations on how an institution broadcast their content to the other countries must be clear. As I know Kominfo has already started to discuss it. LSF holds the guidance that all the film which is censored in Indonesia teritory is supposed to obey the Law Number 33 Year 2009.

With the maturity, people of the society are expected to watch the uncensored films carefully, and  make sure that our family is also guided by the adults to watch the appropriate movies for children “said Ahmad Yani Basuki as Director of  Indonesian Institue of Film Censorship.

Translators: Anjelina Y., Christina S


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